The most wonderful time of year. Holiday baking season! — I don’t normally jump onto the winter holiday train so quickly, but I think there is a bit of wiggle room when it comes to baking. I’m definately judging you for putting up that tree before Thanksgiving has passed, but it is perfectly acceptable to…
Apple Butter Thumbprint Cookies
Hello! It’s me…. I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted a recipe. I’m tellin’ y’all… this summer heat just shut. me. down. Along with the finally cooler weather, I’m bringing you all a classic quick cookie recipe with an apple butter twist. If there is anything that screams fall, it’s apple butter. Thumbprint…
Peppermint Bark Blondies
Everyone knows that blond(ies) have the most fun. Holiday baking is no exception. Before I collapse from the sugar overload during the festive season, I haaaaave to share this recipe with y’all. Classic, buttery blondies packed full of white chocolate, vanilla, and brown sugary brownie-esque goodness. All topped with a double chocolate peppermint bark crown.
Dipped Marshmallow White Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Holy chocolate, Batman! It’s that time of the year when everyone pulls out their favorite cookies recipes, forcing you to completely lose sight of the everything rational, eating every single one. That’s all fine and dandy, but we’re gonna kick thing up a bit. You’ve all seen plenty of cookie recipes, since this whole internet…