Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Chag Sameach! FROHE WEIHNACHTEN! [I feel like German should always be screamed, ja?] — Also, keep reading for my pre-Thanksgiving Christmas content disclosure. Hopefully y’all know what these beauties are just by seeing that cone. I was walking around the touristy Opry mall this past weekend here in Nashville, and hit the wall-o-roasted-German-nuts smell…
Rockets, Brats, & Brews in Huntsville, AL
This past weekend, I traveled (if it even counts as much) to our neighbor to the south, Huntsville, in good ol’ ‘Bama. I think this is where I’m suppose to say some grunting chant about a tide or something… Since I don’t really know anything about all of that, I’m just going to tell you about…